Monday, August 13, 2018

Six menuets by Galuppi

While looking for opera buffa files for Baldassare Galuppi, who was as important to that genre in the 18th century as was Offenbach to the operetta in the 19th, I happened on these six menuets, which were included in a 240-page manuscript collection of music for Maria Venier, a resident of Venice. Presumed to be from about 1750, obviously pedagogical in purpose and for the use of a keyboard player, it includes a couple sonatas and sonatinas, a few other pieces, some notation instruction, and many empty pages.

The point of interest here is that the first strain in all six of the menuets is a galant theme, most with a motivically fragmented continuation. I haven't bothered to annotate the scores because the design is identical in all cases.

I found the file on IMSLP, but its original digital source is the Internet Culturale.