Friday, June 30, 2017

Menuet series 2-11 (Graupner)

Christoph Graupner, like J. S. Bach and Telemann, was a professional musician in north Germany—he spent most of his career in Darmstadt, whose Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek holds a manuscript collection of 20 dances (IMSLP link).

No. 7: A "textbook" period to begin. Note that the upper staff is written with the French violin clef.

No. 10: A fairly simple "galant theme" though the repetition of the bass figure through the first four bars undercuts contrast in bars 3-4.

No. 11: The opposite case: the bass changes direction after the scalar descent in bars 1-2, but the melody in bar 3 repeats the rhythm of bar 1. This first strain is on the fence, so to speak, between galant theme and sentence.