For the first strains of each of the ten items:
Hippolyte_menuet 1: sentenceThe same information by theme type:
Hippolyte_menuet 1 trio: antecedent + continuation
Hippolyte_menuet 2: period?
Hippolyte_menuet 2 trio: 16 bar period (8-bar antecedent = antecedent + continuation)
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1: period
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1 trio: antecedent + continuation
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2: sentence with contrasting phrase
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2 trio: antecedent + continuation with HC
Pieces_troisieme_recueil_menuet: 16 bar period (antecedent is antecedent + continuation)
Pieces_troisieme_recueil_menuet trio: 16 bar period (antecedent is antecedent + continuation)
Period: Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1Here are examples, first strains only, in the order of the list by theme type above. In some of the examples, note the use of the French violin clef.
Hippolyte_menuet 2
Sentence: Hippolyte_menuet 1
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2
Antecedent + continuation: Hippolyte_menuet 1 trio
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1 trio
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2 trio
16-bar period, where 8-bar antecedent = antecedent + continuation:
Hippolyte_menuet 2 trio
Pieces_troisieme_recueil_menuet trio
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1. A textbook period, except for the ending on V.
Hippolyte_menuet 2. One might be tempted to call this a sentence if one followed the up-and-down meandering of the opening rhythmic figure, but it seems clear that contrast is the goal in the first phrase (note the orchestration) and in any case the upper voice in bars 3-4 is a common melodic cliché of the menuet. Equally, bars 5-6 are meant to recall the beginning, even if the pitches are flipped.
Hippolyte_menuet 1. The continuation is more contrast than development, though one could, I suppose, point to the flipped rhythms (bar 5 = bar 2; bar 6 = bar 1).
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2. The first phrase is very close in design to the first phrase of the preceding example. The second phrase is contrasting, though it does use fragmentation (that is, one-bar elements).
Antecedent + continuation:
Hippolyte_menuet 1 trio. Here again, the continuation is really a contrasting phrase with fragmentation.
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 1 trio. The antecedent+continuation theme can achieve maximum contrast, as it does here, in aid of instrumentation and dynamic contrasts.
Les_Indes_Galantes-menuet 2 trio. Every two-bar idea is different.
16-bar period, where 8-bar antecedent = antecedent + continuation:
In all three examples below, the overall period design is very clear. In the eight-bar antecedent, its own antecedent phrase (bars 1-4) is what I call a "weak antecedent" (contrasting ideas but no cadence), or what Caplin calls a "compound basic idea."
Hippolyte_menuet 2 trio.
Pieces_troisieme_recueil_menuet trio